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One X All In One Kit V2 3

This is the AWS CDK v2 Developer Guide. The older CDK v1 entered maintenance on June 1, 2022 and will now receive only critical bug fixes and security patches. New features will be developed for CDK v2 exclusively. Support for CDK v1 will end entirely on June 1, 2023.

one x all in one kit v2 3

Version 2 of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is designed to make writing infrastructure as code in your preferred programming language easier. This topic describes the changes between v1 and v2 of the AWS CDK.

AWS CDK v2 consolidates the stable parts of the AWS Construct Library, including the core library, into a single package, aws-cdk-lib. Developers no longer need to install additional packages for the individual AWS services they use. This single-package approach also means that you don't have to synchronize the versions of the various CDK library packages.

Experimental modules, where we're still working with the community to develop new L2 or L3 constructs, are not included in aws-cdk-lib. Instead, they're distributed as individual packages. Experimental packages are named with an alpha suffix and a semantic version number. The semantic version number matches the first version of the AWS Construct Library that they're compatible with, also with an alpha suffix. Constructs move into aws-cdk-lib after being designated stable, permitting the main Construct Library to adhere to strict semantic versioning.

Stability is specified at the service level. For example, if we begin creating one or more L2 constructs for Amazon AppFlow, which at this writing has only L1 constructs, they first appear in a module named @aws-cdk/aws-appflow-alpha. Then, they move to aws-cdk-lib when we feel that the new constructs meet the fundamental needs of customers.

A new version of each experimental module is released with every release of the AWS CDK. For the most part, however, they needn't be kept in sync. You can upgrade aws-cdk-lib or the experimental module whenever you want. The exception is that when two or more related experimental modules depend on each other, they must be the same version.

For stable modules to which new functionality is being added, new APIs (whether entirely new constructs or new methods or properties on an existing construct) receive a Beta1 suffix while work is in progress. (Followed by Beta2, Beta3, and so on when breaking changes are needed.) A version of the API without the suffix is added when the API is designated stable. All methods except the latest (whether beta or final) are then deprecated.

For example, if we add a new method grantPower() to a construct, it initially appears as grantPowerBeta1(). If breaking changes are needed (for example, a new required parameter or property), the next version of the method would be named grantPowerBeta2(), and so on. When work is complete and the API is finalized, the method grantPower() (with no suffix) is added, and the BetaN methods are deprecated.

All the beta APIs remain in the Construct Library until the next major version (3.0) release, and their signatures will not change. You'll see deprecation warnings if you use them, so you should move to the final version of the API at your earliest convenience. However, no future AWS CDK 2.x releases will break your application.

The Construct class has been extracted from the AWS CDK into a separate library, along with related types. This is done to support efforts to apply the Construct Programming Model to other domains. If you are writing your own constructs or using related APIs, you must declare the constructs module as a dependency and make minor changes to your imports. If you are using advanced features, such as hooking into the CDK app lifecycle, more changes may be needed. For full details, see the RFC.

Deprecated properties, methods, and types in AWS CDK v1.x and its Construct Library have been removed completely from the CDK v2 API. In most supported languages, these APIs produce warnings under v1.x, so you may have already migrated to the replacement APIs. A complete list of deprecated APIs in CDK v1.x is available on GitHub.

Behavior that was gated by feature flags in AWS CDK v1.x is enabled by default in CDK v2. The earlier feature flags are no longer needed, and in most cases they're not supported. A few are still available to let you revert to CDK v1 behavior in very specific circumstances. For more information, see Updating feature flags.

With CDK v2, the environments you deploy into must be bootstrapped using the modern bootstrap stack. The legacy bootstrap stack (the default under v1) is no longer supported. CDK v2 furthermore requires a new version of the modern stack. To upgrade your existing environments, re-bootstrap them. It is no longer necessary to set any feature flags or environment variables to use the modern bootstrap stack.

The modern bootstrap template effectively grants the permissions implied by the --cloudformation-execution-policies to any AWS account in the --trust list. By default, this extends permissions to read and write to any resource in the bootstrapped account. Make sure to configure the bootstrapping stack with policies and trusted accounts that you are comfortable with.

A new version of the CDK Toolkit is required for use with CDK v2. Now that CDK v2 is generally available, v2 is the default version when installing the CDK Toolkit. It is backward-compatible with CDK v1 projects, so you don't need to keep the earlier version installed unless you want to create CDK v1 projects. To upgrade, issue npm install -g aws-cdk.

If you're using the CDK v2 Developer Preview, you have dependencies in your project on a Release Candidate version of the AWS CDK, such as 2.0.0-rc1. Update these to 2.0.0, then update the modules installed in your project.

Remove the following v1 feature flags from cdk.json if they exist, as these are all active by default in AWS CDK v2. If their old effect is important for your infrastructure, you will need to make source code changes. See the list of flags on GitHub for more information.

CDK v2 requires v2 or later of the CDK Toolkit. This version is backward-compatible with CDK v1 apps. Therefore, you can use a single globally installed version of CDK Toolkit with all your AWS CDK projects, whether they use v1 or v2. An exception is that CDK Toolkit v2 only creates CDK v2 projects.

If you need to create both v1 and v2 CDK projects, do not install CDK Toolkit v2 globally. (Remove it if you already have it installed: npm remove -g aws-cdk.) To invoke the CDK Toolkit, use npx to run v1 or v2 of the CDK Toolkit as desired.

Experimental constructs are provided in separate, independently versioned packages with names that end in alpha and an alpha version number. The alpha version number corresponds to the first release of aws-cdk-lib with which they're compatible. Here, we have pinned aws-codestar to v2.0.0-alpha.1.

You should perform a major version bump on your library's version number when releasing a v2-compatible library, because this is a breaking change for library consumers. It is not possible to support both CDK v1 and v2 with a single library. To continue to support customers who are still using v1, you could maintain the earlier release in parallel, or create a new package for v2.

It's up to you how long you want to continue supporting AWS CDK v1 customers. You might take your cue from the lifecycle of CDK v1 itself, which entered maintenance on June 1, 2022 and will reach end-of-life on June 1, 2023. For full details, see AWS CDK Maintenance Policy.

Change your imports to import Construct from the new constructs module, core types such as App and Stack from the top level of aws-cdk-lib, and stable Construct Library modules for the services you use from namespaces under aws-cdk-lib.

Experimental constructs are provided in separate, independently versioned packages with names that end in alpha and an alpha version number. The alpha version number corresponds to the first release of aws-cdk-lib with which they're compatible. Here, we have pinned aws-codestar to v2.0.0alpha1.

Uninstall any other versions of AWS CDK modules already installed in your app's virtual environment using pip uninstall. Then Install the new dependencies with python -m pip install -r requirements.txt.

The most straightforward way to upgrade the dependencies of a C# CDK application is to edit the .csproj file manually. Remove all stable Amazon.CDK.* package references and replace them with references to the Amazon.CDK.Lib and Constructs packages.

Unexpected changes are typically not caused by upgrading to AWS CDK v2 in itself. Usually, they're the result of deprecated behavior that was previously changed by feature flags. This is a symptom of upgrading from a version of CDK earlier than about 1.85.x. You would see the same changes upgrading to the latest v1.x release. You can usually resolve this by doing the following:

When you are ready to deploy the stacks in your app, consider deploying a copy first so you can test it. The easiest way to do this is to deploy it into a different Region. However, you can also change the IDs of your stacks. After testing, be sure to destroy the testing copy with cdk destroy. 2ff7e9595c

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